Home What is AI? AI in Retail Sources

AI has a huge impact on the clothes and cosmetic industries because they make a big profit off of having fast fashion promoted on social media. AI on social media can give people different ads according to their searches and who they follow. On retail websites, you can try on makeup and clothes on your camera via AI.

Benefits of AI in Retail

Disadvanteges of AI in Retail

Ethical Issues

     It can take advantage of consumers' personal data
that they are unaware of and/or don't want to be shared.

Jobs that involve AI in retail

Carla Gentry

A professional woman who works with A.I. in the retail industry
that we would like to put a spotlight on is Carla Gentry. Carla Gentry is one of the top
data scientists in the world, working as a Digital Marketing Manager at Samtec,
which specializes in social media. She works with over 500 companies worldwide
and can calculate different spending, profit, and trends. She can also understand
complicated databases and decipher business needs. In an interview on the website
Humans for Data powered by Atlan, Gentry described her job as follows:

“I am able to take huge complicated databases, decipher business needs,
and come back with intelligence that quantifies spending, profit, and trends.
Being called a data nerd is a badge of courage for this curious mathematician/
economist because knowledge is power and companies are now acknowledging its importance.

Some of Gentry's duties include